Маленькая заметка! Немного не в тему, но чувствую что будет лучше сказать. В конце предложения не обязательно писать кем было сделано действие если это не имеет значения. Например, предложение “The door has been locked by someone” можно сократить до “The door has been locked”, в то время как предложение “This book was written by William Shakespeare” сократить нельзя, так как предложение потеряет свой смысл
№1. 1. Ben usually has breakfast before school.
2. We sometimes go out with friends.
3. She often plays the piano.
4. We sometimes order pizza at weekends.
5. He never listens to music.
№2. 1. My little brother often cries at night.
2. She washes her hair three times a week.
3. Do your parents go out on Saturday night?
4. Does he like watching TV?
5. Paul and Jack meet every Friday.
6. What time do you have lunch?
7. We don't study a lot at the weekend.
8. He doesn't play football very often.
9. How often does he visit his grandparents?
10. Bob goes to the cinema on Sundays
№3. 1. I usually watch TV before I go to bed.
2. On Sundays we have lunch and after that we go shopping.
3. She gets dressed before she has her breakfast.
4. I wake up when my alarm clock rings.
5. He usually has 6 lessons before goes home
№4. 1 - F
2 - B
3 - C
4 - E
5 - D