Many people angry that teenagers don't get enough exercise. But why? We need to know that 31 per cent of children under the age of 13 and teenagers under the age of 18 have overweight. It has happened because teenagers have a lot of options of spending their leasure time. For example, they can watch TV or to play computer games. They just haven't time to do excercises. Not everyone understands how it can be important to keep fit. The more load we we put on our muscles, the bigger and more enduring they become. It is necessary to attend physical education classes in schools because this lesson can replace excercises that teenagers don't do at home.
"my favorite film is "Red Notice". This film says that there are 3 golden eggs in the world. 2 have already been found and they are kept in museums. They can't outwit the police. Then you have to watch. Somewhere I was in shock, somewhere I laughed. I really liked the movie!"
«Мой любимый фильм -« Красное уведомление ». В этом фильме говорится, что в мире есть 3 золотых яйца. 2 уже найдены и хранятся в музеях. Полицию им не перехитрить. Тогда тебе придется смотреть. Где-нибудь Я был в шоке, где-то смеялся. Фильм очень понравился! "
если что делал по переводчику! пока и удачи