1. The failure was due to the operator's having been careless during his work. Дополнение. Поломка произошла из-за небрежности оператора при работе. 2. We know of man’s having learned to use wood, stone and metal in prehistoric times. Дополнение. Мы знаем, что человек научился использовать древесину, камень и металл ещё в доисторические времена. 3. In this process heating should be gentle. Подлежащее. В этом процессе нагрев должен быть постепенным. 4. Nobody knew of their having left for the conference. Дополнение. Никто не знал, что они отбыли на конференцию.
If you are a lover of French fries from a fast food, then this recipe is for you. Potatoes cooked this recipe, it turns out exactly you were served, for example, in McDonalds. So with our recipe you can enjoy your favorite dish at home.
7 medium potatoes; 300 gr. vegetable oil; salt to taste.
Method of cooking:
1. Clearing and washing the potatoes, cut it on wedges and dry cloth.
2. Filling in a saucepan or another deep oil to your liking, heat it.
3. Placing it in the pan, small portions of potatoes, зажариваем her until Golden crust and spread with a slotted spoon to a colander. When will drain the oil, put it on a plate. Only after this season with salt and serve hot.
1.(b) “petrol prices have been increased”
2.(e) “ this jacket was made in Hong Kong
3.(a) “ Competition! 5000 prices to be won”
4.(f) “ five people were asked the same question”
5.(c) “ the telephone has been disconnected”
6.(d) “this information will be sent to the candidates”
7.(j) “before the storm everyone was warned”
8.(g) “ smoking is not permitted”
9.(i) “ the old town theatre is currently being rebuild”
10.(h) “ the letter will be mailed tomorrow”