In fact, Big Ben is the largest of the six bells of Westminster Palace in London. But it has long been associated with the name of the Clock Tower, which in September 2012 was officially called “Elizabeth Tower”. The decision to rename the tower was made by the British Parliament to mark the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The tower was built in 1858. The project architect was Augustus Pugin. The height of the tower and spire is 96.3 m.
На самом деле, Биг Бен – это самый большой из шести колоколов Вестминстерского дворца в Лондоне. Но уже давно это название ассоциируют с Часовой башней, которую с сентября 2012 года официально называют «Башней Елизаветы». Решение переименовать башню было принято британским парламентом в честь 60-летия правления королевы Елизаветы II.
Башня возведена в 1858 году. Архитектор проекта – Огастес Пьюджин. Высота башни со шпилем 96,3 м.
He (has worked) with his father for the past nine years.
We (have had) these computers since 1998.
Where did you (live) before you moved here?
How long have you (had) your last car?
How long has your wife (worked) for her present company?
I (have meet) most of the kids in this club, but I (have not met) the new girl yet.
She has never (attended) a conference.
We (have had) some serious accidents over the years.
I have (lived) in this flat for fifteen years, but I don’t plan to move.
The trainee teachers have (been) here for two days and they are only leaving tomorrow.
He have already (done) three tests this week, but he (has not received) the results yet.
Did you (go) to the concert last Friday?
Have you ever (been) to a concert?
My father has just (washed) the car.
My father (washed) the car yesterday.
My father (has not washed) the car yet.
I have never (done) anything exciting in whole my life.