Analyze the following sentence
The jaguar ran back into the clearing other Scottish universities,is composed of Colleges.
Get ready to say:
Get ready to make the phonological analysis of the word in bold. Put down its transcription, classify sounds. Say if there are any modifications or alterations in its pronunciation.
Define number of syllables, word stress.
Intone the statement, prove your choice.
1. Communicative type of the sentence, its structure (simple, compound, complex), theme and rheme (3 points)
2. Semantic roles of the sentence (5 points)
3. Define phrases (and clauses, if possible) that the sentence is composed of (2 point)
4. Define parts of the sentence, state their type, if possible (10 points).
5. State what parts of speech these words belong to. Get ready to prove your point. (10 points)
6. State grammar categories actualized by each word. Name all possible grammatical paradigmatic relations the words can enter (10 points).
2. won't be late; gets
3. go
4. is; will have
5. wear; will look
6. buys; will wear
7. comes; comes; will phone
В данном упражнении большинство предложений в First Conditional (1 тип условного наклонения). Исходя из правила, можно легко выполнить это упражнение. If + Present Simple, Future Simple (will) (или эти части могут поменяться местами).
Также присутствуют предложения с придаточными времени (when). После слов when, as soon as, until, after, before никогда не ставится Future Simple (will), а идет глагол в Present Simple