The cow went in and suddenly saw a lion. She was frightened and stood still for a moment. She thought: "If I try to run the lion will soon catch me, but if I do not show him that I am afraid I may remain alive." And she walked bravely up to the lion: He looked at her, looked and looked and could not understand how a cow dared to come near him. At last the lion thought: "She cannot be a cow but must be some other animal whose name I do not know." And he asked: "Who are you?" "I am a god in the form of a cow," the cow answered, "and I gave a promise to eat a hundred tigers, twenty-five elephants and ten lions. Yesterday I ate the hundred tigers and the twenty-five elephants, and now I am looking for the ten lions." The lion was frightened.3 He decided to run away and said: "I forgot to wash in the morning. Wait for me in the cave and I shall go to the river." And he ran away. He was running down the road when he met a fox. The fox asked: "What is the matter with you, brother lion? Why are you running so quickly?" The lion told the fox about the god in the form of a cow. But the fox was very clever and he at once understood the cow's trick. "Do not be silly," he said to the lion. "Come back with me to your cave and eat the old cow who tried to deceive, you." The lion took the advice and came back with the fox. When the cow saw, them she understood all. But she, did not show that she was frightened. She walked towards them and said to the fox: "Did you forget my order? I sent you to get me ten lions and you are bringing me only one!" When the lion heard this he rushed at the fox and killed him. At that time the cow walked out of the cave and ran away.
Положи рядом или на него Вы ездили в Германию деловой поездке или на отдыхе?Я не смотрю новости телевидения.Я взял карандаш ошибку.Вы не можете позвонить мне. Я не телефон.Вы предпочитаете путешествовать самолетом или поездом?Программа наблюдали миллионы людей.Там нет поездов сегодня. Железнодорожные рабочие забастовки.Вы читали какие-нибудь книги Агаты Кристи?Телефон вышел из строя. Мы не могли получить врача к ней. Я пошел за ним, сэр, ноги.Я встречался с ним довольно шанс в поезде
Великое достижение
great achievement
Режиссёр фильма
film director
Быстро двигаться
move fast
В течение часа
In one hour
Заботливый родитель
Caring parent