I think, Narnia - it's very fantasy and unreal beautiful country. And I want live in the Narnia. Let's imagine it.
Narnia - it's lovely country the streets will be very aesthetic. People will be very erudite and creative. I would like people not to have any bad qualities in Narnia, the country where I could live. Everyone had money and no one asked for alms, as is often the case in reality. In Narnia, absolutely all children will have the concept of an orphanage, a boarding school they are not familiar with. There will be no misunderstandings in families, for example, between teenagers and parents. In the country of my dreams, there will be everything that is so lacking in routine reality
Children often do something with their own hands. They make many different things with their own hands, which are sometimes very interesting and exciting in the process of creation. Children have a great and wonderful fantasy, which can make dreams come true, with the support of adults.
Often, children’s talents are not noticed or appreciated, but a person is able to develop and learn a lot of new things. Many talented children burn wood, make birdhouses and help animals with their labor and efforts.The works of many children over time help to create many new discoveries that help people in life, and not only people, but also many animals. Children become hardworking when their parents educate
Дети часто что-то делают своими руками. Они делают много разных вещей своими руками, что иногда очень интересно и увлекательно в процессе творчества. У детей есть прекрасная и замечательная фантазия, которая может воплотить мечты при поддержке взрослых.
Зачастую детские таланты не замечаются и не ценятся, но человек развиваться и узнавать много нового. Многие талантливые дети сжигают дрова, строят скворечники и животным своим трудом и усилиями.
Труды многих детей со временем создавать многие новые открытия людям в жизни ,и не только людят,но и многим животным. Дети становятся трудолюбивыми когда их родители занимаются воспитанием