Sometimes Australia is called “the upside down world”. Because Australia lies in the Southern Hemisphere, where winter comes in July and summer begins in December.In July usual temperatures are from 20 to 30 degrees C above zero or higher.Most of the dry land is uninhabited, which explains Australia’s small population – about 18 mln people. The kangaroo is perhaps the best known of Australian animals. There are more then 40 different kinds of kangaroos in Australia, in many colours and sizes. The emu, Australia’s largest bird is also one of the largest in the world. It cannot fly but it is good runner. No matter how far from Europe Australia can be, many people who are fond of traveling would like to visit this land because it is such an extraordinary place to explore!
1. to learn – to get knowledge of a subject or skill, by experience,
by studying it, or by being taught.
2. to study – to spend time reading, going to classes etc. in order to
learn about a subject.
3. to know – to have information about something.
4. to teach – to give lessons in a school, college, or university; to
show someone how to do something.
1. What school subjects do you enjoy studying with interest? (Какие школьные предметы вы изучаете с интересом?)
2. Is it difficult for you to learn grammar rules? (Трудно ли вам учить правила грамматики?)
3. Do you learn to fit in with other people at school? (Вы учитесь при к другим людям/вписываться в коллектив в школе?)
4. Does school teach you to cope with life problems? (Учит ли школа справляться с жизненными проблемами?)
5. Do you know what you will do in the future? (Знаете ли вы, что будете делать в будущем?)
6. Do you study hard to get better marks at school? (Вы учитесь старательно/усердно, чтобы получать в школе оценки получше?)
7. What are the main things teachers should teach you at school? (Каким основным вещам должны учить вас в школе учителя?)
My day is always various . At all days expect Saturday and Sunday I usuly get up at 7 o'clock to get ready for school. I never use bus,thus I'm going on foot. Sometimes I get late to school but that happens rarely . After school I return home exhausted and decide what to do next. Usually I go and have lunch with my friends in the nearby cafes . After meeting I return home and start doing my homework . Although not every day is typical,for example on Tuesday a have online tutor for brushing up my knowledge for the exam. In the evening I prefer to watch TV or to read interesting book. This helps me to attach importance broading my mind and forgetting about the reality.At the weeknd I enjoy visiting cafes or parks with all my relatives and closest people.