1. По мере увеличения числа иммигрантов конфликты из-за земли привели к новозеландским войнам 1860-х годов. 2. Действительно, обстоятельства, при которых был достигнут компромисс Веллингтона, оставляют горький привкус. 3. Поскольку он получил травму в результате несчастного случая, он больше не мог ходить. 4. Новая Зеландия, конституция которой не кодифицирована, является конституционной монархией и парламентской демократией. 5. Если вы посетите Новую Зеландию, вы увидите прекрасные виды.
Bali is one of the most beautiful places in the world. It is a small island in Southern Indonesia and it is very popular with people who like the sun and amazing beaches. There is sunshine most of the year sometimes even during the rainy season, and there are lots of interesting things to see and do.
For nature lovers, Ball is rich in animal and plant life. You can visit the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary to see the grey-haired Ballnese macaque monkeys. However, mustn't give them any food or look at them in the eyel if you just want to relax, there are beautiful beaches with very clear waters, and this where most tourists spend their time. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get around the island so there aren't many buses or taxis. Bali is a beautiful place without the naise of a busy city.
Alexander Pushkin
Leo Tolstoy
Maxim Gorky
Anton Chekhov
Nikolai Gogol