1)To improve my fitness, I exercise every morning and do endurance exercises when I have free time.
2)I also have a few friends on the Internet, they live in another city , so we only communicate over the Internet
3)Of course, I believe that nuclear power plants are dangerous, they affect the environment, and they are also dangerous for people.
4)Russia borders 18 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the United States. Maybe you didn't count the United States and Japan, because the borders are only Maritime, but there are only 18 countries, not 16.
5)The advantages of traveling by plane are that: it is more time-saving, you can travel across the sea, where there are no roads, as the plane moves through the air.
1. К тому времени, когда я приду, они уйдут.
2. Идет сильный снег. Слушали ли вы прогноз погоды на завтра? Я надеюсь, что к завтрашнему утру снег прекратится.
3. Юля закончит всю работу по дому к 3 часам, и мы пойдем гулять.
4. Собираемся купить машину. К концу следующего месяца наша семья накопит на это деньги.
5. Рабочие говорят, что они построят район к началу этого года.
6. Она будет обедать к тому времени, когда мы приедем.
7. Я надеюсь, что они отремонтируют эту дорогу к тому времени, когда мы вернемся следующим летом.
1. is
2. am
3. Are
4. are
5. is
6. is
7. are
1. Where is my breakfast?
2. Who is that old man?
3. Are they a teacher and a pupil?
4. How old are you?
5. What is the weather like today?
6. Why are you always late for school?
7. Are tomatoes fruit?
2. Summer is the hottest season
3. I am at home now.
4. Sometimes I late for school because I get up late
5. It is spring now
6. Now it is 18 o'clock
7. My favourite colour is green/blue/red/yellow