orgullosa de ofrecer un gesto de felicidad a tantos compatriotas.
Daniel: ¿Tienes proyectos a largo plazo?
Mireia: Como deportista, lo más inmediato es el Mundial de Barcelona, para el que animo a todos a que estén presentes y apoyen al equipo español. Seguro que será un espectáculo deportivo de primer orden. A medio plazo, las Olimpíadas de Brasil. En lo personal, acabar mis estudios e intentar crear mi propia pequeña empresa.
Daniel: ¿Qué consejo les darías a las jóvenes que quieran iniciarse en esta profesión como tú?
Mireia: No soy nadie para dar consejos. No obstante, diría a modo de sugerencia, que se diviertan y disfruten del deporte que practican. Y que si llega un día en el que ya no las apasiona lo que hacen, que lo dejen inmediatamente.
1) We haven't known each other for ten years.
How long have we known
2)My father hasn't had the same job for ages.
Has your dad had the same job for ages?
3) A haven't lived in the same house since I was born.
Have you lived in the same house since you were born?
5)My English teacher hasn't worked at this school for very long.
Has your English teacher worked at this school for very long?
6)I haven't sent a few text messages today.
Have you sent a few text messages today?
7) She hasn't felt happy this morning.
Has she felt happy this morning?
8) You haven't seen a good Film at the cinema.
Have you seen a good Film at the cinema?
Marta:Good morning!
Marta:What about to watch a film on Sunday?I prefer si-fi films
Nick:Sounds good,but I prefer to watch comedies
Nick:What about to play tennis or busketball?
Marta:Yes!I'm really into playing busketball
Nick:Great,can we go to the caffe after busketball?
Marta:Ooh..I eat only healthy food and think that food which you cook at home more tasty
Nick:Maeby you right..
Marta:Can you go to my home after buskelball?I like misic and can playing the piano and violin!
Nick:Oh,really?I can playing the guitar!
Marta:Sounds good,can we play at my home after busketball
Nick:of course!It's good idea!