New Zealand (1)
New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It lies about 1600 km southeast of Australia and about 10 500 km southwest of California. New Zealand belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands — the North Island and the South Island — and several dozen smaller islands. Most of the smaller islands are hundreds of kilometers from the main ones.
Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest city. English is the official language of New Zealand and is spoken throughout the country. Many native people speak their own language» Maori, in addition to English.
The country once belonged to the British empire. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of Britain and a number of its former colonies.
New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. The British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, is the monarch of New Zealand. She appoints a governor general to represent her, but the governor general has little power. The legislation, prime minister, and Cabinet run the national government.
Britain gave New Zealand a constitution in 1852, when it was a British colony. But through the years the New Zealand legislature has changed almost all its provisions. Today, the nation has no written constitution.
The first people who settled in New Zealand were a brown-skinned people called Maoris. They came from Polynesian islands located northeast of New Zealand. The country was discovered by Europeans in 1642, but they did not start to settle in the islands until the late 1700's. Today, most New Zealanders are descendants of the early European settlers. Maoris make up about 12 % of the country's population
New Zealand has one of the highest standard of living in the world. For many years, the economy of the country depended largely on agriculture. Today agriculture, manufacturing, and service industries are all important to the economy. New Zealand's economy depends on trade with many countries — Australia, Britain, Japan and the United States.
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Перепишите следующий отрывок в Пассивном Голосе. Как вы думаете, люди когда-нибудь будут использовать электромобили? В настоящее время они слишком дороги для большинства людей, чтобы купить. Кроме того, вы должны часто заряжать свои батареи. Однако, если бы люди ездили на электромобилях вместо машин, которые мы используем сегодня, воздух, которым мы дышим, будет чище, потому что они не будут выбрасывать выхлопные газы в атмосферу.
Электромобили это то что ждёт нас в будущем. Достотаточно будет проехать пару метров и он автоматически будет получать необходимую энергию вместо обычного бензина (который очень вреден и загрязняет атмосферу,разрушает азоновый слой) Если поставить специальные аккумуляторы то они будут собирать ионы(перерабатывать механическую энергию движения машины в электрическую). Что даже будут не нужны никакие датчики в дрогах. Благодаря законам физики сделано много открытий,но не забываем об алигархах. Это те кто тормозят развитие нашего мира ради своей выгоды и денег. Но иногда стоит прислушаться и к науке.
на английском:
Electric cars are what the future holds for us. It will be enough to drive a couple of meters and it will automatically receive the necessary energy instead of conventional gasoline(which is very harmful and pollutes the atmosphere,destroys the nitrogen layer). if you put special batteries, they will collect ions (process the mechanical energy of the car into electrical energy). That you won't even need any sensors in the drogs. Thanks to the laws of physics made a lot of discoveries,but do not forget about Aligarh. These are those who slow down the development of our world for their own benefit and money. But sometimes it's worth listening to science.