1b Work in pairs. Look and answer the questions. 1 These are different sources of energy. Can you add any more? 2 What is the most important source of energy in your place? 3 What are the most important sources of energy in the world?
1)I didn't know that Joe had to get up early, so didn't wake him up. If I knew he had to get up early, I'd wake him up. 2) I was able to buy the car only because Jane lent me the money. If Jane didn't lend me the money, I wouldn't be able to buy the car. 3) Karen wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. If Karen didn't wear a seat belt, she would be injured in the crash. 6) You didn't have any breakfast that's why you're hungry now. If you had some breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry. 7)I didn't get a taxi because I didn't have any money. If had some money, I would get a taxi.
Привет! меня зовут :Муся !(если имя не нравится то поменяй) Я плюшевая Панда Кати я люблю свою хозяйку.Она всегда со мной играет. Она всегда обнимает меня ,спит со мной в общем нам всегда весело ! Но однажды Катя начала ходить в школу и ей было не до меня( из-за школы.Она приходила домой умывалась ,ела потом начинала делать уроки Мне было скучно без нее. Со временем ее игрушки куда-то делись,а я была на шкафу. На ее столике была косметика,а не игрушки ,она очень изменилась. Она наконец меня заметила ,взяла в руки и пошла к мусорному ведру и выкинула меня.Так и закончилась моя грустная история .
2) I was able to buy the car only because Jane lent me the money. If Jane didn't lend me the money, I wouldn't be able to buy the car.
3) Karen wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. If Karen didn't wear a seat belt, she would be injured in the crash.
6) You didn't have any breakfast that's why you're hungry now. If you had some breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry.
7)I didn't get a taxi because I didn't have any money. If had some money, I would get a taxi.