A. 1. If the weather is fine next weekend, we (shall go) to the country.
2. I will always ( help) you this year if you ( need) help.
3. I (will help) you tomorrow if you still (need) help .
4. lf my parents (do not work) on Saturday, we shall all ( go) skiing.
5. Granny sometimes (does not hear) if little Eddie ( calls) her.
B. 1. Mother (will be) very tired tomorrow, she ( will go) home by tram.
2. I (will) always be at home if you ( ring) me up this summer.
3. If Father ( leaves) for the south, Mother (will start) preparations.
4. The children (will wear) shorts in summer if it (is) hot.
5. If the days (are) sunny in spring, we (shall work) in the garden.
common - unique
similarity - difference
stunning - ordinary
comprehensive - isolated
accomplishment - misuse
cutting edge - old-fashioned
blueprint - scribble
prevalent - narrow
exploit - frustration
contribute - take