1. This morning my exam results finally [had] came. I'd been expecting 2. them for the last week. I knew I'd [been] done quite well, but I was 3. still nervous as I [had] opened the envelope. Before I ['d] had a chance to 4. look at them, my sister ran up and pulled them out of my hand! She 5. [had] геаd them out one by one. "English A, maths A, biology A, 6. French A ..." This was the news I'd been waiting for. I'd got A's in 7. every subject - even geography, which I hadn't been [making] sure 8. about! When Mum and Dad heard the news, they immediately started 9. [been] shouting with joy. By the time I'd had breakfast, Mum had 10. already called Grandma and Grandpa and had [yet] told the neighbours!
1) The first group includes the processes which act on the crust or at or very near its surface, as a result of the movements and chemical activities of air, water, ice and and living organisms. 2) Both groups of processes operate under the control of gravitation (including attractions due to the sun and the moon). 3) The processes of external origin are specifically maintained by the radiation of heat from the sun. 4) Those of internal origin are similarly maintained by the liberation of heat from the stores of energy locked within the earth. 5) The second group – earth movements, igneous activity and metamorphism – includes the processes which act within or through the crust, as a result of the physical and chemical activities of the materials of the substratum (or mantle) and of gases and magmas in the crust or passing through it. 6) The leading geological processes fall into two contrasted groups.
2. them for the last week. I knew I'd [been] done quite well, but I was
3. still nervous as I [had] opened the envelope. Before I ['d] had a chance to
4. look at them, my sister ran up and pulled them out of my hand! She
5. [had] геаd them out one by one. "English A, maths A, biology A,
6. French A ..." This was the news I'd been waiting for. I'd got A's in
7. every subject - even geography, which I hadn't been [making] sure
8. about! When Mum and Dad heard the news, they immediately started
9. [been] shouting with joy. By the time I'd had breakfast, Mum had
10. already called Grandma and Grandpa and had [yet] told the neighbours!