Top Gear has won the title of "the most popular program in the world" several times»: according to their own calculations, the maximum audience of the show was 350 million people (and this is without piracy). The automotive theme was relevant for viewers from dozens of countries, and the specific language chosen by the three presenters was clear from New York to Magadan.
It will be all the more surprising to learn that the show is very old, that it was considered one of the most conservative and that it was almost closed due to low ratings in the early noughties.So, the original show was launched as early as 1977. By this time, the car in Europe had already become an affordable thing, so the fate of becoming a niche product of the program, which started on the BBC (the largest British TV channel), was not threatened.
At the very beginning, the show was quite progressive. The life of car owners in general was not so often covered by TV channels of that time, and one of the first presenters was Angela Rippon, who acted as an autolady and talked about the world of girls behind the wheel.
We can say that the program was very applied. Basically, the presenters talked about the available models of cars, their characteristics, road safety and all that. The show gave tips on operation, could show interviews with road officials or designers, to a lesser extent mentioned motorsport. In general, it was a show about motorists for motorists.
1) All of us remember their first books from childhood. 2) They were a lot of pictures on every page and we wanted so much to go there. 3) So books are the way of perception of the world. 4) It is a pity, but now it is no more popular to read books because of Internet and different electronic gadgets. 5) But no other source of information can give you such strong feeling of belonging to the each step and thought of the heroes as a book.
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Все мы помним свои первые книги из детства. Они были с большим количеством иллюстраций на каждой странице, и нам так хотелось туда попасть. Таким образом, книги восприятия мира. Жаль, но теперь книги читать не популярно из-за Интернета и различных электронных устройств. Но никакой другой источник информации не может дать Вам такое сильное чувство принадлежности каждому шагу и мыслям героев книг.
1.The basic responsibility of the police is to fight crime, maintain order, and provide miscellaneous services to the public.
2.Most police officers regard detective work as "real" police work.
3.The process of investigating a crime involves several different steps performed by at least three different units within the police department: patrol officers, detectives, criminalistics technicians.
4.The preliminary investigation is normally the responsibility of the patrol officer
5.To obtain information about suspected criminal activity, the police make use of informants.