Friday, June 14th
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kendall
I have been at home now since two weeks, but I have to start work immediately, so this is the only time when I can write to you. How are you? Are you busy as usual? Is Tim still working hard for his exam next month? I am missing you a lot and also all of my friends from Dublin. Yesterday I received a letter from my Spanish friend, Martina, and she told me about some other people I had met. She said that Atsuko and Yuki would write me from Japan. I am lucky because I made so many good friend during my stay in Ireland. It was really interesting for me to meet people from so many different countries. I think that we have not only improved our English (I hope so!) but we also have met people from all over the world and this is important.
My family are fine. They had a good summer holiday by the lake. We are all very exciting because my brother is getting married just before Christmas and we like his girlfriend very much.
They have been looking for a flat near the city centre but it is no so easy to find one. If they don't find one soon, they will have to stay here with us.
Please can you check something for me? I can’t find my red scarf. I think, maybe, I have left it in the wardrobe in my bedroom.
Please write soon. My family sendbest wishes to you all. I hope I will come back next year. Staying with you was a wonderful experience for me. Thank you for everything and I apologize for my mistakes. I have already forgotten many words.
Yours faithfully,
PS I hope you like the photo. It’s nice, isn’t it?
Mr Stan: просыпайся! у нас есть сюрприз для тебя
Mr Stan: Здесь письмо от тети Дианы и Дяди Миши
Vicky: что в нем
Mr Stan:Здесь приглашение провести выходные с ними
Vicky:Ура! Мы увидим нашего кузена Алекса
Andy: Мы повеселимся в деревне
Vicky: Поедем туда на машине?
Mr Stan: думаю, да
Объяснение:И если знаешь физику то по мне с заданием