When Leonardo da Vinci wrote The Last Supper, he attached particular importance to two figures: Christ and Judah. The artist looked for sitters for a very long time, and in the end he managed to find a guy for the image of Christ among young singers.
Three years passed, the fresco was almost completed, but it was not possible to select a sitter for Judas Leonardo. Once, when he was walking along the street, he came across a drunkard who was lying in a gutter.
It was in his facial features that Leonardo saw Judas. The drunk man was brought to the cathedral, and although he did not understand what was happening, the artist completed the work
написал Леонардо Давинчи картина "тайная вечеря"
1 группа (просто добавим -s) - dances, plays, stays, enjoys
2 группа (добавим -es) - boxes, watches, washes, goes, impresses, kisses
3 группа (меняем -y на -ies) - fries, studies, carries, cries
2 группа (добавим -es) - если глагол в начальной форме заканчивается на шипящую, свистящую и гласную
3 группа (меняем -y на -ies) - если глагол в начальной форме заканчивается согласную и -y
1 группа (просто добавим -s) - если глагол в начальной форме заканчивается на все остальные согласные и на гласная+y