My neighborhood is the best!
My neighborhood is the best!I dont have disadvantages, because I like all from my district. It's very clear and not busy.In my district lot of shops and activity centers. I have been living in this district for 5 years. But there aren't playgrounds near me, it's sad.
My neighborhood is the best!I dont have disadvantages, because I like all from my district. It's very clear and not busy.In my district lot of shops and activity centers. I have been living in this district for 5 years. But there aren't playgrounds near me, it's sad.Mechanic transport is the best way for transporting. I have a bicycle, I always ride on them, and I just relax, when I ride on the bike, it's so awesome! I dont use public transport, because my mum has a car, and I have a my favourite bycycle!
Types of jobs - типи вакансій
part-time job - підробіток
summer job - літня робота
temporary job - тимчасова робота
Work - робота
work in an office - робота в офісі/працювати в офісі
work for a company - працювати на компанію / працювати в компанії
look for a job - шукати роботу
work as a waitress - працювати офіціанткою
be unemployed - бути безробітнім
get/have/lost a job - отримати / мати / втратити роботу
1.My uncle works part-time as a builder.
2.I'm going to work a summer job this summer.
3.My sister lost her temporary job.
4.My mom works in the office.
5.My grandmother worked for a company when she was young.
6.My neighbor is looking for a job.
7.My sister worked as a waitress 2 years ago.
8.My cousin is unemployed.
9.My brother got a job as a florist.
11.My grandfather has a job as a lumberjack.
12.My mother lost her job as a hairdresser.
1. Мій дядько працює неповний робочий день будівельником.
2. Я збираюся працювати на літній роботі цього літа.
3.Моя сестра втратила тимчасову роботу.
4.Моя мама працює в офісі.
5. Моя бабуся в молодості працювала в компанії.
6. Мій сусід шукає роботу.
7.Моя сестра працювала офіціанткою 2 роки тому.
8. Мій кузен безробітний.
9.Брат влаштувався на роботу флористом.
11.Мій дідусь працює лісорубом.
12. Моя мати втратила роботу перукаря.
If there (be) an election, the government will win.
If there were an election, the government would win.