1. Will Ted have been working as an attorney for twenty years by the end of March?
2. Will Jack and Alison have been bulding their house for a year by Easter?
3. By six o'clock in the evening, we will have been waiting for his message for five hours.
Future Perfect Continuous образуется так: В утверждениях - Подлежащее+will+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
в вопросах - Will+подлежащее+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing?
В отрицаниях - Подлежащее+will+not(won't)+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
ответ:I had had breakfast before I went to school.
Объяснение:(before- указатель времени past perfect или present perfect) Действие совершалось в и закончилось поэтому past perfect