1) The properties of building and materials are classified into four groups: physical, mechanical, chemical, technological, etc.
2) Resistance to salt aggression and other chemicals (wood)
An important advantage of natural stone is strength, durability, resistance to environmental influences, frost resistance (stone)
Strength; reliability; versatility; combination with other materials (metal)
3) All metals are divided into two groups: ferrous and non-ferrous
4) Ferrous metals and alloys contain iron, non-ferrous metals do not. Ferrous metals are mild steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron and wrought iron. ... Since they do not contain iron, non-ferrous metals have a higher resistance to corrosion and rust.
Объяснение: just decided
1)Building materials are divided into natural (natural) and artificial(Строительные материалы разделяют на природные (естественные) и искусственные)
2)Не смогу сказать.
3)metals are divided into two groups: ferrous and non-ferrous(металлы делятся на две группы: черные и цветные)
4)Ferrous metals are those that contain steel and iron.Non-ferrous metals do not contain steel or iron. This group of metals includes: aluminum and copper, Nickel and lead, zinc and tin, brass and gold, silver and platinum, as well as many others that do not contain iron.(Чёрными называются те металлы, которые содержат сталь и железо.Цветные металлы не содержат стали и железа. К данной группе металлов относятся: алюминий и медь, никель и свинец, цинк и олово, латунь и золото, серебро и платина, а так же многие другие, не содержащие железо.)
№1 Before meeting Harriet, I never knew what real love was.
№2 His hat blown off by the wind was lying in the middle of the street.
№3 I'm sure that after passing your exam, you'll feel a lot better.
№4 "How do you like the film?" he asked, turning towards me.
№5 Looking through the window, I saw a strange man at the door.
№6 Hearing a noise outside, Janice went to investigate.
№7 After making her bed, Cherie had a shower.
№8 Look at the beautiful flowers gathered by the children.
№9 When we came nearer, we saw two boys coming towards us.
№10 I think that the boy standing there is his brother.
№11 She leaves home in the early morning, waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile.