Here are some sentences about changes. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. Write onle the missing words.
1) For a healthier life, eating well is more important that anything else. The most important thing for a healthy life is eating well.
2) My grandfather was a smoker, but he stopped for health reasons. My grandfather used to smoke, but he stopped for health reasond.
3) Terry's diet was worse ten years ago. Terry's diet is better now than it was ten years ago.
4) In the 1950s, people throught less about what they ate. In the 1950s, people didn't use to think so much about what they ate.
5) I've never had such an easy job. This is the easiest job I've had.
6) Were gyms popular in the 1980s? Did many people use to go to the gym in the 1980s?
7) I'm 1.80 metres tall now and my older brother is 1.81. I'm almost as tall as my older brother now.
8) Aunt Sarah didn't live in New York before but she does now. Aunt Sarah didn't use to live in New York.
1.Где находится школа?
2. где вы проводите уроки?
3. Что вы должны делать каждый день? (например, говорить
Английский все время)
4. Что вы не должны делать?
5. Чем вы можете заниматься?
6. Почему вам это нравится?
1)Мy school is located near the Central library on the opposite side of the kindergarten.It's not far from my house.It's not far from my house.2)We conduct lessons in our classrooms,and teachers themselves come to our lesson according to the schedule.3)Every day, students must arrive at 8.30 am in school uniform and be ready for all subjects.4)We must not break the rules, doп't listen and be rude to teachers, run down the hall and fight with other students.5)We can actively participate in the lessons and gain knowledge that will be useful to us in the future.6)I like to study because it is very interesting and informative.
1 most important
2 used to
3 is better
4 use
5 the easiest
6 use
7 as tall as
8 didn't use