I am going to visit my grandparents during the summer break and spend quality time with them.
Я собираюсь навестить бабушку и дедушку во время летних каникул и провести с ними время.
We are going to take a road trip to the beach and enjoy the sun, sand, and waves.
Мы собираемся отправиться в путешествие на пляж и насладиться солнцем, песком и волнами.
She is going to join a summer camp and learn new skills like swimming and horseback riding.
я собираюсь присоединиться к летнему лагерю и освоить новые навыки, такие как плавание и верховая езда.
They are going to explore new hiking trails and go camping in the mountains to reconnect with nature.
Я собираюсь исследовать новые места и отправиться в поход в горы, чтобы воссоединиться с природой.
We are going to organize a backyard barbecue and invite friends over for a fun-filled day of food and games.
Мы собираемся организовать барбекю на заднем дворе и пригласить друзей, чтобы весело провести день за едой и играми.
My family is going to renovate our backyard and create a cozy outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment during the summer.
Моя семья собирается отремонтировать наш задний двор и создать уютное открытое пространство для отдыха и развлечений летом.
Potatoes (Varieties) vary considerably in their (storage) when kept at different temperatures. However, with most commonly grown early varieties the number of (sprouts) per plant is reduced at between 10 and 15°C temperatures, but the weight of individual (tubers) increases. Although it is desirable to produce a crop of maximum size (yield), it is often more economic to produce a higher yield of smaller tubers. Proper temperatures can be maintained by automatic control of ventilation when the (grade) temperature increases. With the use of automatic (sprouts) machines it is important at present that storage conditions provide proper number and length of (tubers) per tuber. (Sprouts) should not be more than 1.5 inches long or they may prevent the tubers from moving through the machine. Multisprouted tubers are better because some of the sprouts may be (damaged) mechanically. To use the automatic planting machines successfully one should (grade) the seed tubers carefully before planting.
1) a lot
2) many
3) much
4) much
5) much
7)a little
8) a few