Red - the most aggressive color. It symbolizes the blood, anger, fire, feelings, wounds, war, bloodshed, threat, revolution, strength, courage, death, health. In Roman mythology, red - the color of Mars, god of war. In ancient Babylon, the red-color Negran -God death. In Egypt, the red lotus was a symbol of blood shed by Osiris. In India it is the color of class warriors (Kshatriya). Red bight widely used national and revolutionary movements. Red was the color of the international socialist and left-wing politics in general. Red symbolizes love. In medieval Christian art red also symbolizes love, including love and divine mercy. On the other hand Christianity red sometimes reminds of the martyrs for the faith. Red also means shame. The street where the brothels are often called "street red light district"
Red means opasnost- red light and "red card" for Europeans and Americans. In China it is the color of joy and celebration in Japan - the anger, and the Middle East - the evil and vice.
The blue ring on the Olympic flag symbolizes Europe
A white tablecloth, to pull the sledge behind oneself, to look at someone with regret, a candle in a beautiful high candlestick, a tough (firm) bed, full of energy kids, a bowl of soup, to light candles, hard look, bright light, to dribble the ball (in basketball), to press (push) the doorbell button, to switcht off (turn off) the light, cheerful colours, rushing from one to another, to pull someone's hair, to struggle with the task, a winding path (trail), to fight for freedom, (to wind up the clock) to set up the alarm-clock.
Red means opasnost- red light and "red card" for Europeans and Americans. In China it is the color of joy and celebration in Japan - the anger, and the Middle East - the evil and vice.
The blue ring on the Olympic flag symbolizes Europe