(Дорогие мама и папа вчера вечером наш корабль потерпел кораблекрушение, наткнулся на айсберг. это было ужасно, почти все люди погибли, но я и несколько моих друзей были наклониться к лодкам. почти ночь мы плыли через океан, я был очень голоден и напуган. но, слава Богу, мы были найдены. Сэм и Бретань действительно после тяжелого состояния. Я в больнице в Halifoksa. Я в порядке, но я только истощение. Перешли меня деньги, вот адрес Больницы: st.Graft 50v с любовью, всегда ваша Керри)
Dear Mom and Dad Last night our ship was shipwrecked, stumbled on an iceberg. It was horrible, almost all people have died, but I and several of my friends had to bend to the boats. Almost night we sailed across the ocean, I was very hungry and scared. But, thank God, we have been found. Sam and Brittany really after debilitating condition. I'm in the hospital Halifoksa. I'm fine, but I just exhaustion. Passed me the money, here's Hospital address: st.Graft 50v With love, Kerry
Have you ever eaten sushi? It is a very tasty Japanese food, usually consisting of rise and the seafood. I like seafood very much, so I often eat it. Today sushi is very popular all over the world and people eat them with a great pleasure. Sushi have a very interesting history – from 500 B.C. when people in the South and West Asia wrapped seafood with rice to conserve it, or just to eat. By the way, they ate it with a great pleasure, they found this kind of food very tasty, like people in the modern world do. Today you can eat sushi in the special restaurants or just buy them. I often go to the restaurant, that is near my house, with my family and eat sushi there. Haven’t tried eating sushi yet? Then, you can go to the restaurant and try it. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Dear Mom and Dad
Last night our ship was shipwrecked, stumbled on an iceberg. It was horrible, almost all people have died, but I and several of my friends had to bend to the boats. Almost night we sailed across the ocean, I was very hungry and scared. But, thank God, we have been found. Sam and Brittany really after debilitating condition. I'm in the hospital Halifoksa. I'm fine, but I just exhaustion.
Passed me the money, here's Hospital address: st.Graft 50v
With love, Kerry