) Этот доклад про Рогатую Ящерицу) Horned lizard lives in the southwestern United States and Mexico in sandy and stony deserts, in the mountains. She has a short tail, and on the head is long, similar to the horns, beaded. The body is covered with a large scales with pointed tubercles or small spikes. Some lizards spikes in size as their head! Horned lizards spend the night and hiding from the weather, burrowing in the sand. When danger they fishes hide or, on the contrary, bulge, rise high on the legs and ощетинивают large scales on the back. The lizard widely opens mouth and whistled. Eat horned lizards, small insects, spiders. Most lays eggs (from 6 to 37), but some of them living in the mountains, give birth to live young.
1. Do you know that … tomato is a berry not a vegetable. C) the 2. I have ... pet. It is … kitten. … kitten is so lovely! A) a; a; the 3. When will we go … home? D) – 4. I live in … street which is … oldest in our town. B) the; the 5. … Pacific ocean is … biggest on … Earth. C) the; the; the 6. Which river is longer - … Volga or … Nile? B) the; the 7. The Don often …“Father Don”. A) is called 8. Whom … this composition by? C) was written 9. The work … next week.C) will be done 10. This coat … much. B) isn’t worn 11. The ground … with snow in winter. C) is covered 12. There are … state languages in Canada. A) two 13. The capital of Canada is … D) Ottawa 14. Lake Baikal is the … lake on the Earth. C) deepest 15. England is one of the … parts of the United Kingdom. C) four
At the moment he is preparing some food.
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