On the whole earth people love sports and games. I think, that спорть important for healthy of free time. Activities makes people strong, teaches win, lose and be better. Some people are engaged in sports for the sake of health, and the other - professionally. In each city many stadiums, sports grounds, pools. Almost all kinds of sports popular in our country, but фудбол, figure skating, tennis more popular. There are many people who like to run. In the morning and in the evening you can see the people who run in the parks, stadiums, as well as on сомих the streets. In each school students spend a lot of time, doing sports. First of all, they have the lessons of physical education. And after school they can train in different sections, engage in different kinds of sports. In our country, a lot of attention is paid to the professional sports. Every year be a lot of sports competitions, спартакиад and competitions. Every four years in different countries are Olympic games. There summer and winter Olympic games. This is a great sporting competition best athletes of the world. Some people take part in the competition, others prefer to watch them on tv. It is known that the hour walk useful permanent participation in the physical exercises. As for me, I am running in the morning,it is very useful for health, and not the main thing is to do what the sport, running also useful thing to you liked it!
I arrive at… the office before…anyone else. Everyone starts between… 9 and 10 AM, but I like to get a head-start and work quietly for at least one hour before the open space gets full. I send an update about my project to my manager, because when you get up at 6:30am it’s good to point out your dedication to others. Affer… answering my emails, I start crunching numbers for one of my projects. At 9am my manager arrives, and I’m a bit shocked by his outfit. I knew that Casual Friday was a big thing in the UK but I wasn’t prepared for this – when the guy that you usually see in a classic “suit and tie” shows up… in sneakers, jeans and a white t-shirt it just rocks your world. At 10am I start preparing a presentation for next Monday. When I’m almost done, my manager reviews it and makes me change everything by… annotating with a red marker. The monthly meeting starts at 2 pm. It’s a one-hour update about…this month’s performance and objectives …for the next one. At 3 pm we have got another meeting. At 4 pm I go back to my desk. I start reviewing a financial model I developed one month ago and I send over some guidelines. I’m usually off… at 5 PM. I leave with the manager and we chat in… the elevator about our plans for the weekend.
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46. A