Nature’s Law Great Nature spoke, with air benign, ‘Go on, ye human race! This lower world I you resign; Be fruitful and increase. The liquid fire of strong desire I’ve pour’d it in each bosom; Here, on this hand, does mankind stand, And there is Beauty’s blossom!’ The Hero of these artless strains, A lowly Bard was he, Who sung his rhymes in Coila’s plains With meikie mirth an’ glee; Kind Nature’s care had given his share, Large, of the flaming current; And, all devout, he never sought To stem the sacred torrent. He felt the powerful, high behest, Thrill, vital, thro’ and thro’; And sought a correspondent breast To give obedience due; Propitious Powers screen’d the young flow’rs, From mildews of abortion; And lo! the bard, a great reward, Has got a double portion!
Закон Природы (Роберт Бёрнс) Нам землю отдала во власть Великая Природа И молвила: «Живите всласть, Плодитесь год из года! Живите всласть! Огонь и страсть Влагаю в человека, И пусть на том стоит ваш дом Отныне и до века!» Создатель этих скромных строк И житель Ко́йлы древней Старался сделать их, как мог, И ярче, и напевней. Кипел, могуч, природы ключ На творческом просторе. По мере сил певец творил, С течением не споря. Природы чувствуя завет Всегда, везде и всюду, Непрекословящий Поэт Творил, покорный чуду. Цветы хранит от злых обид Защитница благая. В союзе с ней вдвойне сильней Певец родного края!
tv and computers are truly the greatest achievements of humanity. there are many ways to education foreign languages for yourself. and the computer is all you need. there are a lot of tutorials on youtube from native speakers. a lot of web sites, where you can find the necessary information on grammar or something else. the translators are becoming more and more perfect, because they are based on neural networks. on the internet there're many useful applications and dictionaries, for example: the cambridge dictionary and vocabulary. if you like watching movies, you can look in the original english language, with english subtilities, not russian it's very important.
in my opinion, when you're learning foreign language, you must have a motivation, you should ask yourself a question "why do i need a foreign language? for what purpose? " for work, or for journey, or for something else. think about that and good luck.