1. I should followed her advice
2. Roger could swim when he was 3 years old
3. You couldn't see me yesterday because i eas in New York.
4. She drives a Ferrari, (so) she must be very rich.
5. Could i leave <...>
6. <...>, and i should send her a card
7. Can you make a real Italian pizza?
8. I must recommend <...>
9. The car couldn't run out of petrol. <...>
10. I didn't have to work <...>
11. <...> it ought to <...>
12. <...> I might drop them <...>
13. Dave can <...> but he can't <...>
14. <...> Anna might doing? <...>
15. <...> Them i'm sure you must be very hungry
16. <...> she must have forgotten <...>
17. My doctor says that i should avoid <...>
18. <...> i couldn't meet you <...>
19. We could stop <...>
20. <...> so John must received it.
21. <...> It might be the children upstairs.
22. <...> We may took a wrong turning.
23. I shouldn't eat this shellfish.
24. You have to relax <...>
25 на сайте нет, <...> обозначены все части предложения, которые не требуют изменений :)
Дисахари́ди — вуглеводи, які при нагріванні з водою в присутності мінеральних кислот чи під дією ферментів зазнають гідролізу і розкладаються на дві молекули моносахаридів. Дисахариди легко розчиняються у воді, добре кристалізуються, солодкі на смак. ... Найпоширеніші дисахариди: сахароза (цукор), лактоза, мальтоза.Дисахари́ди — вуглеводи, які при нагріванні з водою в присутності мінеральних кислот чи під дією ферментів зазнають гідролізу і розкладаються на дві молекули моносахаридів. Дисахариди легко розчиняються у воді, добре кристалізуються, солодкі на смак. ... Найпоширеніші дисахариди: сахароза (цукор), лактоза, мальтоза.
The feast of the Irish saint on 17 March is being celebrated from Australia to Dubai to the United States.
More than 400 landmarks in more than 50 countries turned emerald as part of Tourism Ireland's annual Global Greening initiative.
Across the island of Ireland, young and old of all nationalities lined the streets, dressed in shades of green.
~ A couple kiss during the St Patrick's Day celebrations at Trafalgar Square, London
~ There was a carnival atmosphere in Belfast
~ A giant bodhrán player was part of Belfast's St Patrick's Day parade
~ In Dublin, the parade wound its way from Parnell Square across the Liffey to St Patrick's Cathedral
The annual parade in Downpatrick, County Down, began with the traditional vintage rally through the town.
The other main parades in Northern Ireland, including those in Belfast and Londonderry, drew large crowds into the spring sunshine.
In Dublin, revellers gathered along the route of the parade, which was attended by Irish President Michael D Higgins.
•Who was St Patrick?
Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, he lived in the 5th century AD and is understood to have played a major part in converting the Irish to Christianity.
While St Patrick really existed, and some of his writings survive, his value does not really come from historical details but from the inspiration of a man who returned to the country where he had been a child slave, in order to bring the message of Christ.
He is traditionally associated with the shamrock plant, which he used to explain the Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
It is believed he is buried in Downpatrick, County Down.