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1. Scientists were making the first observations and size measure- ments of nanoparticles during the first half of the 20-th century. We asso- ciate those observations with the name of Zsigmondy who made detailed studies of some nanomaterials with sizes down to 10 nm and less. He had used ultramicroscope that employed a dark field method for seeing par- ticles with sizes much less than light wavelength before new microscopes appeared. Scientists widely applied some traditional techniques for first generation passive nanomaterials. 2. The Nobel Committee awarded the American scientists the Nobel Prize for developing and implementing molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) as a research tool. Due to MBE scien- tists lay down automatically-precise layers of atoms and, in the process, build up complex structures. 3. Creating devices smaller than 100 nano- metres opens many doors for the development of new ways to capture, store and transfer energy. People have already begun the search of ways utilizing nanotechnology for the development of consumer products.
SpongeBob - Lust
Mr. Krabs - Greed
Patrick Star - Sloth Squidward -Wrath
Sandy Cheeks - Pride Gary - Gluttony
Sheldon Plankton- Envy