Tasks and questions:
I. Arrange the following words into columns according to the parts of speech.
length, usage, knowledge, specify, minimize, actively, productive, productivity, localize, effectiveness, symbolic, measure, producer, generalize, generalization, activity, appearance, acceptable, impossibility, follower, useful, helpless.
II. Make adverbs from these adjectives and translate them.
Easy, heavy, rare, tremendous, careful, perfect, incident, slow, great, dark, like, human, nice, wide, full, extreme, spherical, equal, true, bad, good, real, exact, approximate
III. Translate the following words bearing in mind the meaning of the affixes and memorize them:
1) to specialise (v), specialist (n), speciality (n), special (adj)
2) specialization (n), especially (adv)
3) science (n), scientist (n), scientific (adj), scientifically (adv)
4) to include (v), to exclude (v), inclusion (n), inclusive (adj)
5) to derive (v), derivation (n), derivative (adj)
6) to divide (v), division (n), divisor (n), divisible (adj)
7) to define (v), definition (n), definite (adj)
8) to differ (v), difference (n), different (adj), differently (adv) indifference (n), indifferent (adj).
9) to resemble (v), resemblance (n)
IV.Form adverbs from the following adjectives and translate them:
inclusive, scientific, definite, different, special, certain, common, fundamental, apparent.
V. Complete these sentences:
1. If any two numbers are being added the sum is …. 2. This is a statement …. 3. Since there is one and, only one sum for 19 + 4, we say…. 4. Both existence and uniqueness are implied….
5. If a and b are numbers of a given set, then a + b is …. 6. If we use the operation of subtraction instead of the operation of addition, we cannot …. 7. If one natural number is being subtracted from another…. 8. When two natural numbers are being multiplied …. 9. Every pair of natural numbers has…. 10. It is impossible, to find the sum or the product of every ….
VI. Ask questions to these sentence:
1. If we add two natural numbers, the sum will also be a natural number. 2. It is true that this method must be used. 3. This is a statement of closure. 4. Some special properties of these elements were examined. 5. This definition is true in case of natural numbers. 6. The set of natural numbers is not closed under subtraction. 7. He uses both methods in his work.8. He gave the general idea.
Arkhangelsk - a city in the north of European Russia. The administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast and Primorsky Municipal District forms the municipality "City of Arkhangelsk." Population - 355.8 thousand people. [4]
Located on both banks of the Northern Dvina and the islands of the delta in the 30-35 km of the river flows into the White Sea. The climate is temperate maritime.
Arkhangelsk was founded by order of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, near the monastery of Archangel Michael (hence the name of the city). [6] City of Military Glory, was awarded the Order of Lenin.