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14.02.2023 06:36 •  Английский язык

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The United States of America lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West. Canada in the North and Mexico in the South are the only countries that have borders with the USA. The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean, Alaska and the main part. There are fifty states in the USA. They are very different in size, population and economic development. The smallest state is Rhode Island and the biggest is Texas. The total area of the USA is about 9 million square kilometres. The population is about 230 million people. The USA is a big country and the climate conditions are very different in different places. There are many big cities in the United States: New York, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles are the biggest of them. The USA economically is the most powerful country in the world. The USA is a parliamentary republic. The government has three branches: the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court. There are two political parties in the United States: the Democratic Party, their symbol is a donkey, and the Republican Party, their symbol is an elephant. The president is elected for a 4-year term and not more than two times. The Congress has two houses; the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.

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Do all the people who use the Net have their own e-mail address?
A growing number of "gateways" tie more and more people to the Net every day, don't they?
When does the host system you are now using automatically generate an address for you?
The basic concepts behind e-mail parallel those of regular mail, don't they?
Can you subscribe to the electronic equivalent of magazines and newspapers?
How many distinct advantages over regular mail does E-mail have?
What is the most obvious advantage?
How fast can your message reach the other side of the world?
What will you be able to use e-mail for?
Does E-mail also have advantages over the telephone?
You send your message when it's convenient for you, don't you?
When does your recipient respond?
Can a phone call across the country or around the world result in huge phone bills? E-mail lets you exchange vast amounts of mail for only a few pennies, doesn't it?
Whom can you ask to help in an e-mail message if you are having problems with your computer?
What can bounce the message back to you, undelivered?
Why are Net addresses like phone numbers?
Do most net addresses now adhere to a relatively easy-to-understand system?
Earlier, you sent yourself a mail message using just your user-name, didn't you?
What code that represents their country do sites in the rest of the world tend to use?
Are some smaller U.S. sites beginning to follow this international convention?
You'll notice that the above addresses are all in lower-case, won't you?
What letters do some public-access sites allow for in user names?
The "mail" program is actually a very powerful one, isn't it?
4,4(69 оценок)
Every year on September 22 in Kazakhstan celebrated the Day of Languages​​. This is a special holiday for all the peoples of Kazakhstan. Because language - a reflection of the nation's worldview, his storehouse of spiritual wealth. It is this blessed holiday was dedicated to the competition of poems and songs in the languages ​​of the people of Kazakhstan "Friendships nations - are friends languages​​", which took place last Wednesday at the Faculty of Philology of ENU. LNGumilev in the walls of the auditorium named Academician R. Nurgali. Participants, representatives of all the faculties of the University, competed for the title of best reciter and the best performer. The contest songs in the Kazakh, Russian, English, verses of poets of different times and countries. Particularly cherished by the participants heard the line about the language of the motherland, mother of ... decorations contest became the band's performance of students enrolled in the program of academic mobility, from South Korea. Lee Ahyeon, Lee Sunyoung, Kim Gaeun sang both in Kazakh and Russian languages​​, deservedly received the grand prize in the nomination "Best Performer". "The first place our foreign guests is, above all, the victory of their mentor, teacher Omarova RM, which not only teaches the language, but also instills a love for him" - the organizers of the contest teachers of Russian philology Saduakas G.K.i Baygozinova DE It is impossible not to note the challenge that faced the jury Algalievoy GS chief specialist of the department of social and civil development of ENU, k.f.n Toxanova SK, Ph.D. Hamidova AH, PhD Mukhamedyarova F.ZH., Kosmuratovoy AN Kubeevoy ZI, because all the participants of the contest were given a surprising originality in their style statements, they were sincere, they all share a love for the Word of His Majesty. Nevertheless, the victory - the award of the strongest, and the strongest in the competition were: In the category "Song" 1st place - a group of Korean students and architecture students Ibragimov Ramsuat (head Omarova RM); 2nd place - Bisembinov AGLA (head Maybalaeva AA). In the category "poetry" 1st place - Abylay Aymyrza (c. TBE-13, head Azkenova JK) - 2nd place Ryspekov Nurbol (head Mukazhanova LG) - 3rd place Zholdyuly Assylbek (head Rakhimzhanova GR) - 4th place Abikeeva Bayan (c. TBE-13, head Azkenova JC). The other students were awarded diplomas of the jury (managers - Akisheva AT, Hamidova. Event was concluded, but its members for a long time did not differ: they discussed the performance of each other, exchanged contacts, copied favorite poems former rivals, taking pictures, singing and, despite fall calendar contest "Friendships nations - are friends languages​​" reminded many of the most authentic student spring. Tags: competition, Faculty of Philology, Department of Russian Philology, week languages
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