Используя данные учебника и карты атласа, рассчитайте:
сколько веков после того, как викинги достигли Грен-
ландии и восточного побережья Северной Америки, и до открытия
Х. Колумбом для европейцев этого континента?
Сколько лет между кругосветным путешествием Ф. Ма-
геллана и первым русским кругосветным путешествием И. Крузен-
штерна и Ю. Лисянского?
In the garden is a unique flavor, tweeting birds. Bloom the first spring flowers.
At this time, my grandmother and plant a new flower plants that bloom in the summer. Our favorite flowers are petunias. they are low maintenance and very colorful and beautiful. We like Turkish carnation.
In summer, our garden is also very good, when is the summer heat, in the shade of trees is always a pleasant coolness. The parents were hung up for us between the trees the hammock and my brother can rest in it and play. We have in the garden there is a gazebo. In the summer we always have lunch there.
Very nice dinner with the whole family in the fresh air.
In the garden in summer bloom bright flowers begin to ripen fruits and berries. They are very tasty and quite different in taste to the ones sold in stores. Grandmother and mother cook from them compote and bake them pies. Due to the fact that we have a garden, we spend a lot of time in the fresh air and gain strength and health for the winter.