21. I'm doing lots of exercise to my leg muscles.
А) stronger Б) strongest В) strengthen Г) strongly
22. He couldn't control his after losing the match.
А) frustrating Б) frustrated В) frustrative Г) frustration
Всероссийская предметная олимпиада по английскому языку для 9 классов
II поток 2019/20 учебный год
в рамках Всероссийского социального проекта «Страна талантов»
23. The most moment of my life was when I forgot my lines in the school
А) embarrassing Б) embarrassed В) embarrassment Г) embarrassingly
24. Ben enjoys playing devil's because he likes to see people getting
worked up.
А) attorney Б) advocate В) lawyer Г) solicitor
25. Relax and it easy. What's the rush?
А) take Б) do В) say Г) bring
26. Maggie's a horse. I had no idea she was such a good singer.
А) dark Б) gloomy В) suspicious Г) wicked
Read the text, choose the right answer.
When I was a child I would happily spend hours on end reading. I never minded being
left to my own devices and as a result I'm able to enjoy my own company as an adult.
___27___ time to reflect is very important to me. My neighbour, ___28___ the other
hand, is always having people round and she tends to have parties most weekends. She
will usually ask me to join her and she probably thinks I'm a ___29___ blanket because
nine times out of ten I'll turn her down. Mind you, as my 30th birthday is coming up, I'm
thinking of throwing a party myself. We'll see. If I don't organize anything, I'll probably
___30___ it.
А) Have Б) Had В) Having Г) Having had
А) in Б) up В) behind Г) on
А) wet Б) soak В) damp Г) humid
А) condole Б) pity В) sorry Г) regret
Правила образования времени правильных глаголов.
1. Когда глагол оканчивается на e, вместо окончания ed добавляется только d: change –changed.
2. Когда глагол оканчивается на y, перед которой стоит согласная, y меняется на i и добавляется ed: study — studied.
3. Когда глагол, состоящий из одного слога, кончается на согласный (за исключением согласных: c, w, z, y) перед которым находится краткий гласный, то конечный согласный удваивается + ed: occur — occurred.