1. Mr Brown is a doctor. He is a good doctor. He works in the hospital on Mondays and Fridays. On other weekdays he works in the clinics.
2. The Moon is the brightest object in the sky at night.
3. Sam goes to the college. He is not the best student in his group,
but he is the most reliable one.
4. After the classes I go to the library to study Geography because we
will have test tomorrow.
5. What is the highest mountain in the British Isles? - The Ben Nevis is the
highest mountain, it is in the Highlands in the Scotland.
6. The English usually have eggs and a bacon for the breakfast.
7. The Amazon is the longest river in the world. It flows through seven
countries, including Brazil and Peru.
8. The English Channel is located between England and France.
9. We come home from the school at three in the afternoon.
10. What are your plans for the evening? - I think we could go to the movies
if the weather is bad.
I like burgers and pizza.
She likes to go shopping.
My brother like coca cola.
My mom likes to visit.
I like she's sister.
You should not be in such a hurry.
He had a bag such as a doctor usually carries.
Allow such an amount for food, such an amount for rent and the rest for other things.
In the past few years many such women have shifted to full-time jobs.
Such master, such servant.
Do the first example in your workbook.
In Japan there are beautiful cities, for example Kyoto and Nara.
Give me an example of what you mean.
You should set a good example to your children.
Follow the example of your sister.