1. Ann came to us on Sunday. - Past Simple Active
Ann didn't come to us on Sunday.
2. Andrew gets up at 7 o’clock. - Present Simple Active
Andrew doesn't get up at 7 o’clock.
3. They are going to the cinema. - Present Progressive Active
They aren't going to the cinema.
4. She will cook roast-beef for dinner. - Future Simple Active
She won't cook roast-beef for dinner.
5. Kate worked at the Italian restaurant. - Past Simple Active
Kate didn't work at the Italian restaurant
6. We’ll read this article tomorrow. - Future Simple Active
We’ll not read this article tomorrow.
1 “When does he get up every day?”
– “He gets up at 8 o’clock.”
2. They are not drinking coffee now. I think they are watching TV.
3. Our friends always go to the country for the weekend.
4. Look! The kitten is playing with its tail.
5. What does your brother usually eat for breakfast?
6. “Where is your sister now?”
– “She is doing her homework in the next room.”
7. What are you doing now?
I see that you are not sleeping.
8. Nick knows English rather well now.
9. When do your lessons usually begin on Monday?
10. “Where will you be tomorrow?” – “I will be at home.
I like when people express their individuality by choosing a subculture to belong to. Such people are thought to have some common ideas. It seems to me it is great to meet other people who think in the same way and share values. I identify myself with rockers because I am good at playing the guitar and I really enjoy listening to rock-music.
Мне нравится, когда люди выражают свою индивидуальность, выбирая субкультуру, к которой они принадлежат. Считается, что такие люди имеют общие идеи. Мне кажется, это здорово встретить других людей, которые думают так же и разделяют ценности. Я отождествляю себя с рокерами, потому что я хорошо играю на гитаре и мне очень нравится слушать рок-музыку.