Question 3
Он сейчас работает.
Present Continuous
Question 4
Если бы вы только могли нам сейчас
неполный II
Question 6
В какой группе времен действительного залога английского языка можно отнести единый вс глагол “to be”?
Question 7
What kind of a style shouldn’t you use for your letter to be discourteous?
Question 11
Если бы вы вчера купили билет, то сейчас бы летели в самолете
смешанный III, II
Question 16
В каком времени следует перевести следующее предложение с русского языка на английский: - «Вчера в 5 он проводил переговоры на протяжении целого часа»?
Past Continuous
The lectures (to attend) by all of us tomorrow by 6.
will have been attended
Question 35
В каком времени следует перевести следующее предложение с русского языка на английский: - «Он живет здесь уже 20 лет»?
Present Perfect Continuous
I suppose everybody considers modern technologies to be significant in our everyday life. Nowadays people can't imagine their lives without new devices. They are everywhere in our everyday life.
Almost nobody washes the clothes by hand. Almost everybody has a mobile phone. All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers, and other self-operating machines. The rapid rise of using the Internet is the reality of our time.
But I think modern technologies can be dangerous to some extent for people because mankind becomes too dependent on them. We and our children depend on how 'clever' appliances work. But, it isn’t always healthy to use them for a long time. Sitting long hours in front of the computer is bad for the eyes and causes back problems. They say cell phones contain negative vibes that influence human organism.
Most people are sure that new technologies are good. Thanks to computers and the Internet we can find more educational resources in no time. Such electronic items as vacuum-cleaner, washing machine, microwave, dishwasher, blender and a lot of others have made our life easier. It's really true. We can't but agree to it. I am not against new technologies. But in my opinion, nowadays the modern world relies too much on them.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that technological progress can be dangerous to some extent for humankind and for surrounding nature too. So it's necessary to make modern devices safer and cheaper for people to use them and make the people's life happier and more pleasant.