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26.09.2021 15:04 •  Английский язык

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.
Once Mark Twain (1 — go) from the north of England to Manchester by train. He (2 — be) very tired and (3 — want) to go to bed. So he (4 — ask) the guard to wake him up when they (5 — come) to Manchester. "If I (6— sleep) when you (7—.come) up to me, I (8 — be) angry," he (9 — say). "But even if I (10 - be) angry, please throw me out of the train." The guard (11 — agree) and Mark Twain (12 — go) to bed.
When he (13 — wake) up it (14 — be) morning. People (15 — walk) in the corridor, a boy (16— cry) and his mother (17 — try) to make him quiet. Mark Twain (18 — put), on his clothes and (19 — go) out in the corridor. The guard (20 — talk) to a man and Mark Twain (21 — go) up to him.
"(22 — come) we to Manchester yet?" he (23 — ask).
"We (24— pass) Manchester two hours ago," the guard (25 — answer).
"What!" Mark Twain (26 - shout). "Why you not (27 - tell) me, you (28 — forget) that I (29 — ask) you?"
The guard (30 — surprise). "You (31 — be) the American who (32 — ask) to wake him up when we (33 — come) to Manchester?" he (34 — ask).
"Yes, of course," Mark Twain (35 — say).
The guard (36 — continue), "Oh, now I (37 — understand) why the man (38 — shout) and (39 — fight) when I (40 — throw) him out of the train in Manchester.
IV. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. School year begins on ... 1st of September.
a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the.
2. ... our English classes we speak a lot.
a) On, b) At, c) In, d) For.
3. ... is knocking at the door.
a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Anybody, d) Nobody.
4. We'll wait... everybody comes.
a) till, b) before, c) unless, d) if.
5. Everybody says the film is worth ... .
a) see, b) to see, c) seeing, d) to be seen.
6. ... nothing interesting to see and we left.
a) There was, b) It was, c) It is, d) There is.
7. According to the weather forecast tomorrow will be ... warmer than today.
a) yet, b) still, c) more, d) just.
8. ... people can understand classical music. :
a) Few, b) A few, c) Little, d) A little.
9. I wish I ... a poet.
a) am, b) was, c) have been, d) were.
10. Martin Eden ... by Jack London.
a) wrote, b) was written, c) has written, d) is writing.
11. The road is wet. It must ... .
a) rain, b) rained, c) raining, d) have been raining.
12. ... through the magazine I decided to buy it.
a) Looked, b) Having looked, c) Looking,, d) Being looked.
13. She couldn't remember ... such aquestion.
a) ask, b) to ask, c) asked, d) being asked.
14. What are you ... ?
a) saying, b) telling, c) speaking, d) talking.
15. This money ... quite enough for everything. a) are, b) is, c) were, d) have been.
16. Sam had to cook breakfast himself, ... ?
a) hadn't he, b) had he, с) didn't he, d) did he.
17. We didn't know what time ... .
a) it is, b) it was, c) is it, d) was it.
18. Next week we ... here for 2 years.
a) are, b) will be, c) have been, d) shall have been.,
19. When David came, everybody ... .
a) examined, b) was examined, c) was examining, d) had been examined.
20. Hepromised tolet us know if anything ... .
a) changes, b) changed, c) will change, d) change.
VI. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. The language spoken in Scotland is ... .
a) Scot, b) Scottish, c) Scotch, d) Scotland's.
2. The oldest university in Britain is
a) London, b) Cambridge, c) Oxford, d) Edinburgh.
3. The financial centre of London is ... .
a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, d) the City.
4. Which party is in power in Great Britain now?
a) the Labour, b) the Conservative, c) the Liberal, d) the Social-Democratic.
5. The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is ... .
a) 03, b) 09, c) 911, d) 999.


Once Mark Twain was going from the north of England to Manchester by train. He was very tired and wanted to go to bed. So he asked the guard to wake him up when they came to Manchester. "If I sleep when you come up to me, I‘ll be angry," he said. "But even if I’ll be angry, please throw me out of the train." The guard agreed and Mark Twain went to bed.

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.New Year is considered the most popular holiday in our family. At the beginning of December everybody has a festive mood. In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. A huge Christmas tree is put at the main square. We begin to prepare for the holiday. We buy Christmas-tree decorations, tinsel and gifts for each other at New Year’s fairs. At the end of December we put artificial Christmas tree and decorate it for the holiday. I help my mother to prepare a festive table on December 31. New Year’s Eve always seems to me magical and unforgettable. At midnight after president’s appearance on television chiming clock begins to strike. We wish each other a happy New Year and make a wish and then exchange gifts. When I was a child I found the gifts under the Christmas tree and I thought that Santa Claus had brought them. Although I’m already adult and I don’t believe that Santa Claus exists, on New Year’s Eve I want to find myself in the dream and to believe in a miracle.
В нашей семье самым любимым праздником считается Новый год. В начале декабря у всех появляется праздничное настроение. В городе украшают улицы и витрины магазинов яркими, разноцветными гирляндами. А на главной площади устанавливают огромную ёлку. Мы начинаем готовиться к празднику. На новогодних ярмарках покупаем друг другу подарки, ёлочные игрушки и мишуру. В конце декабря дома устанавливаем искусственную ёлку и наряжаем её к празднику. 31 декабря я маме приготовить праздничный стол. Новогодняя ночь кажется мне всегда волшебной и незабываемой. В полночь, после выступления президента по телевизору, начинают бить куранты. Мы поздравляем друг друга с новым годом и загадываем желание, а потом обмениваемся подарками. Когда я была маленькая, то подарки находила под ёлкой и думала, что их мне принёс Дед Мороз. И хоть я уже взрослая, и не верю, что существует Дед Мороз, но в новогоднюю ночь хочется оказаться в сказке и поверить в чудо.
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B. I am (watching) this film. It’s a musical. A. But you do (not like) musicals! B. I know, I usually  ( hate) them. But this one is really good.Do  you (want) to watch it? A. Not right now, Susie’s here and we are (studying) for our English test. B. A test? A. Yes, we are ( having ) a test every Friday. A. Are you  (using) this computer now? B. No, the boss is (waiting) for me in the other office. Why? A. Because I (need) to use it. B. What’s wrong with your computer? A. It is ( not working) at the moment and I (want ) to send an e- mail.
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