Key word transformations
5 Use the words in bold to complete the
second sentence so that it means the
same as the first.
1 Feeding the animals in the zoo is forbidden.
the animals in the zoo.
2 It wasn’t necessary for you to cancel the trip!
the trip!
3 I suggest you see a dentist tomorrow. OUGHT
a dentist tomorrow.
4 I’m sure we don’t have rats in the house. ANY
rats in the house.
5 Shall I get you a glass of water? ME
you a glass of water?
6 Must we drive down that dark road? HAVE
Dothat dark road?
7 Perhaps she felt shy around so many new faces.
around so many new faces.
8 Phil couldn’t swim until he was in his thirties. ABLE
swim until he was in his thirties.
Add an apostrophe in the correct place.
1 My dad's shoes are horrible.
2 Her sisters' names are Kate and Lianne.
3 This town's shopping centre is boring.
4 I like Sam's parents.
5 They're Stan and Sophie's friends.
6 All the teachers' cars are in front of the school.
Possessive adjectives
5. Complete the second sentence, so it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 I've got a green bag. My bag is green.
2 She's got an interesting book. Her book is interesting.
3 It's got fantastic pictures. Its pictures are fantastic.
4 They've got a good camera. Their camera is good.
Добавьте апостроф в нужном месте.
1 Обувь моего отца ужасна.
2 Ее сестер зовут Кейт и Лианна.
3 Торговый центр этого города скучен.
4 Мне нравятся родители Сэма.
5 Они друзья Стэна и Софи.
6 Все машины учителей стоят перед школой.
Притяжательные прилагательные
5. Завершите второе предложение, чтобы оно имело то же значение, что и первое предложение.
1 У меня есть зеленая сумка. У меня зеленая сумка.
2 У нее есть интересная книга. Ее книга интересная.
3 В нём есть фантастические картинки. Там картинки фантастические.
4 У них хорошая камера. Их камера хороша.