I don't have a particular style of dress. On ordinary days, I prefer to wear jeans or simple pants, with some kind of T-shirt or sweater. For example, in the fall, I prefer black or blue pants with some kind of milky or gray sweater. My style doesn't change in winter. It is the same as the autumn one. Dark trousers and possibly a blouse, but a cardigan on top. In the spring, it gets warm and you can wear anything. I like to wear dresses in different colors. Skirts, I rarely wear. Only to school. In the summer, I wear shorts and a tank top. Or maybe jeans. My favorite shoes are sneakers. But, I wear them only in dry weather. To school, I usually wear black pants and a white blouse. From above, I can wear a sweater. As for shoes I like ballet flats. My style is not defiant. It is ordinary. But I personally like it very much.
hello i am writing to tell you about my experiences in london as i am currently here on vacation.I am staying in a very nice but not so expensive hotel which has great food and the service is great.The weather is rainy as always but at least I enjoy drinking lots of teas (still in London). I visited as many sights as possible, but I was most impressed by Big Ben. I was very impressed and pleased with everything here.