Oxford University was founded in the 12th century.It is one of the largest and the most ancient universities of England Oxford University consists of 25 independent colleges, including four colleges for women.The University has laboratories and research institutes, in all branches of science and engineering, and well-equipped libraries. A characteristic feature; of Oxford University is that many traditions of the Middle Ages are still current there. Many eminent world-known scholars and-scientists have been educating at 0xford.
We all prefer ...home-made... food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So we like to have our .. meals... at home. But when we are at work , have no time or don't want to cook we usually go to cafes or fast food restaurants to have our ... lunch or dinner there . If we are very busy we have tea or coffee in a cafe we may take .food... away to have it later in the office, at home or in a car. We use spoons and forks at home , but very rarely use knives.. . At restaurants we must remember about table manners, use knives and , keep our elbows off the table. Food in restaurants is for all tastes : potatoes, fish , salads of tomatoes, .cucubbers and cabbage. For dessert we can have ice-cream.. with fruits, like bananas or orange.
Some people become very good at telling jokes.