-Good afternoon. Can I help you ?
- [gʊd ˈɑːftəˈnuːn. kæn aɪ hɛlp juː] ?
-Good afternoon. I'd like to buy a souvenir.
[-gʊd ˈɑːftəˈnuːn. aɪd laɪk tuː baɪ ə ˈsuːvənɪə.]
-How about this key ring?
[-haʊ əˈbaʊt ðɪs kiː rɪŋ?]
That's a good idea. How much is it?
[ ðæts ə gʊd aɪˈdɪə. haʊ mʌʧ ɪz ɪt? ]
- It's £4.00.(pounds)
[- ɪts £4.00.(paʊndz) ]
- Can I have two, please.
[- kæn aɪ hæv tuː, pliːz. ]
-Sure. That's £8.00. (pounds)
[- ʃʊə. ðæts £8.00. (paʊndz) ]
- Here you are.
[- hɪə juː ɑː. ]
-You are welcome.
[- juː ɑː ˈwɛlkəm.]