Although I do not like learning, school-source znaniy.Bez secondary education did not enroll in an institution of higher education, and therefore did not find a good school rabotu.V I have many friends and enjoy znakomyh.Mne teachers (subjects) .Mne like (objects). The school has many pros and cons, while I'm in school, I notice there are many disadvantages, for example the fact that you need every day to do your homework, you must get up early, but when I was released from the school and will do in any higher institution, I might understand that the school is not so ploho.Ne whether schools, I would not be able to properly express their thoughts, many schools helps zhizni.Potomu Thu about in school we learn to read, write, count and solve problems knowledge of physics and chemistry, not too little vazhny.Inostrannye languages are needed so that we can communicate with people from other countries.
Overall I feel about school more neutral than negative.
1. He says there is little.. news, almost nothing.
2. There are ..a few people who know about it but not many.
3. Women always think they have ...few clothes.
4. You need ...a little luck to win.
5. I’ll be ready in ...a few minutes.
6. I have invited ...few people. I don’t want a crowd of people here.
7. The teacher gave Tom a bad mark because he has little... knowledge of the subject.
8. I have ...a little knowledge of the subject and can prove my point of view.
9. Somehow he has very few... English books.
10. He had ...a little... time and stopped to talk to his friend.
11. Why are there so ..few flowers in you garden?
12. The child has made a little... progress and speaks English better.
13. The child left ...little soup in his plate, he had eaten almost the whole of it.
14. Give the cat ...a little fish every day. It’s necessary for him.
15. ...A few people want to see you. May they come in?
little - мало (с неисчисляемыми существительными)
a little - немного, некоторое количество (с неисчисляемыми существительными)
few - мало (с исчисляемыми существительными)
a few - несколько (с исчисляемыми существительными)