Будинок Городецького, або будинок з химерами один з (напишіть гарно слово), але найпопулярніша будівля в Києві. Архітектором будівлі був Владислав Городецький, будівництво було завершено 1902-го року. Будівля прикрашена різними тваринами та істотами, зокрема слонами, єдинорогами та дельфінами, тому що захопленням Владислава було полювання. Будинок розташований на банковій вулиці, навпроти Адміністрації президента України. Будинок з Химерами використовується для Резиденції держави і є закритим для відвідувачів.
My favorite place in Kyiv is Khreshchatyk Street. Khreshchatyk is the main street of Kiev. The street has a length of 1.2 km. During weekends and public holidays, the street is closed to road traffic and reserved for pedestrians. Khreshchatyk contains many up-market stores, cafés, and restaurants.
Kiev Passage, a small narrow commercial and residential street is a building complex with a small, narrow street stretched through it. The street has many small outdoor cafés and shopping stores on the buildings' first floors and residential apartments on the upper floors.
City Council Building (Kyivrada) is the city council of Kyiv municipality, the highest representative body of the city community. The members of city council are directly elected by Kyivans and the council is chaired by the Mayor of Kyiv or the City Council Secretary. The council meets in a 1950s City Council building constructed in neo-classical Stalinist architectural style.
Maidan Nezalezhnosti is the central square of Kiev. Since the start of Ukraine's independence movement in 1990, the square has been the traditional place for political rallies, including four large-scale radical protest campaigns: the 1989 student "Revolution on Granite", the 2001 "Ukraine without Kuchma", the 2004 Orange Revolution,
and the 2013 – 2014 Euromaidan. Besides, the Maidan is a traditional point for several non-political events such as the city's Christmas Tree and the various festivities annually held on the Ukraine Independence Day and Kiev City Day.
does she want a banana?
yes, she want a banana
does she want a sandwich?
yes, she want a sandwich
does she want a cookies?
no, she don't want a cookies
does she want to watch a TV?
no, she don't want to watch a TV
does she want running?
yes, she want running