Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions. (Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы)
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse first appeared in the short film Steamboat Willie on November 18, 1928. He was created by Walt Disney and is the official mascot of the Walt Disney Company. Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes and white gloves. He appears alongside his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald Duck and Goofy, and his pet dog Pluto, among others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on each hand. 'Mortimer Mouse' had been Disney's original name for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested that he be called 'Mickey Mouse' instead. A large part of Mickey's character is his famously shy voice. From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself.
Which year did Mickey Mouse first appear in a short film?
short film did Mickey Mouse first appear in colour are Mickey's shorts
Английские меры и весы очень трудны для___(1) иностранца. Для общего пользования наименьшим весом является 1 унция (записанная унция), а там__ _ (2) 16 унций в фунте (записанный фунт). Англичане покупают__ _ (3), табак и иногда сигареты по унции, в то время как большинство___ (4) или фрукты, такие как яблоки, _ _ _ (5), клубника, по фунту, полфунта или четверть фунта. Четырнадцать фунтов___(6) 1 стоун. Англичане всегда дают людям вес в камнях и фунтах. Например, человек___(7) 11 камней 9 фунтов (не 163 фунта).
112 фунтов составляют 1 центнер (написано cwt), а___(8) - 20 центнеров в тонне.
Жидкости___(9) в пинтах, квартах и галлонах. Есть 2 пинты в кварте и 4 кварты в___(10).
Наконец, для длины основные___ (11) - это дюймы, футы, ярды и мили.
Самый простой способ запомнить их, возможно, немного ___ (12), как это:
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2
(6th grade)
Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions. (Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы)
Mickey Mouse
Mickey Mouse first appeared in the short film Steamboat Willie on November 18, 1928. He was created by Walt Disney and is the official mascot of the Walt Disney Company. Mickey mouse typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes and white gloves. He appears alongside his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his friends Donald Duck and Goofy, and his pet dog Pluto, among others. Mickey has three fingers and one thumb on each hand. 'Mortimer Mouse' had been Disney's original name for the character before Lillian, his wife, suggested that he be called 'Mickey Mouse' instead. A large part of Mickey's character is his famously shy voice. From his first speaking role in 1929, Mickey was voiced by Walt Disney himself.
Which year did Mickey Mouse first appear in a short film?
short film did Mickey Mouse first appear in colour are Mickey's shorts
is the name of Mickey's