1. to go out with someone d) to meet with someone in whom one is romantically interested I would like to go out with Helen but doesn't pay attention to me.
2. to have an affair a) to have a romantic relationship, usually secret Nick and Anny have an affair, but he is married.
3. to break up e) to end the relationship They broke up because he was very rude to her.
4. to fall out with b) to have arguments Sam has fallen out with his father because of his words.
5. to get along c) to have a good relationship She always gets along with everybody because she's very kind.
6. not to see eye to eye f) to hold different views We'll break up because we don't see eye to eye.
1. to go out with someone d) to meet with someone in whom one is romantically interested I would like to go out with Helen but doesn't pay attention to me.
2. to have an affair a) to have a romantic relationship, usually secret Nick and Anny have an affair, but he is married.
3. to break up e) to end the relationship They broke up because he was very rude to her.
4. to fall out with b) to have arguments Sam has fallen out with his father because of his words.
5. to get along c) to have a good relationship She always gets along with everybody because she's very kind.
6. not to see eye to eye f) to hold different views We'll break up because we don't see eye to eye.
1) l played chess with my friend last Sunday
Я играла шахматы с моим другом в пошлое Воскресенье
2) The teacher talked over the student's behavior with his parents
Учитель поговорил о поведении студента с его родителяии
3) She walked in the park until midnight
Она гуляла в парке до полночи
4) He was rude towards her
Он был груб по отношению к ней
5) He suffered from broken heart
Он страдал от разбитого сердца
6) The government deprived her of her child
Правительство лишило ее ребенка
7) We signed a check to the amount of one thousand dollars
Мы подписали чек на сумму тысячу долларов
8) The girl accused me of the crime
Девочка обвинила меня в преступление
9) I translated articles in English into French
Я перевела статьи с английского на французский
10) We saved the forest from the fire
Мы лес от пожара
1) I took this dog from pet shop out of pity
Я взяла эту собаку с зоомагазина из жалости
2) I caught butterflies with my friends
Я ловила бабочек с моими друзьями
3) We knew that ice melts
Мы знали , что лёд тает
4) The train went through a tunnel
Поезд проехал через тоннель
5) I gave up snapping fingers
Я перестала щёлкать пальцы
6) The boy ran across the street
Мальчик пробежал через улицу
7) I heard of a new disease Covid-19
Я услышал о новой болезни Covid-19
8) The knife fell off the table
Нож упал со стола
9) The law came into force last year
Закон вступил в силу в году
10) I made an appointment for 5 o'clock
Я назначила свидание на 5 часов