The chess is a board game for two players. Before the start of the game you must put in order all the pieces on the board with sixty five squares and choose the colour of the figures. White figures start. In this game you must move your figures and kill figures of your opponent. Every figure has its own move. Main figure is king, but it can move on the one square. The aim of the game is to put an opponent in checkmate. It means that you have to put the opponent`s king in an impossible position. The chess is a hard game for the majority of people, but some clever people are very good at this game. During the game you must think out the game progress on five move ahead.
1 nancy is good at... but she is interested in. .. 2 harry isn't bad at.. 3 are you afraid of. . 4 kate is differs from. . 5 its very nice of... 6 its was very kind of. . 7 i am sorry not for. . 8 i write letters to.. 9 we waited for 10 why are you looking at.. 11 everybody should take care about 12 everybody will laugh at.. 13 i don't have enough money pay for 14 can i speak to.. 15 she got angry and shout at.. 16 предлог не нужен 17 did they invite you at.. 18 cut the meat for 19 you can't start a car by.. 20 they are leaving for 21 have you ever been to 22 instead of 23 предлг не нужен 24 in freedom 25 i don't believe in 26 was blue with 27 novel by Dickens 28 rain is falling heavily in the.. 29 horse jumper over 30 look up at ...
ответ: I have already made lunch