The Texan never minded that he got no reply.
You are going to the University of Georgia and after you graduate you are going to manage the store for me.
You already have the most prestigious fellowship.
There is no question that your anger is founded.
And the families did survive and grow.
Я сделал.
They were fifteen years old and they had known so long that they were sons of a wealthy man that the feeling was hard to lose.
She will attract some attention.
It was a leading question.
The precious truth is lost forever.
One of the most visited places in Russia is the Urals and the Ural Mountains. The Ural Mountains stretch for two thousand kilometres. The mountains are located on the border between Europe and Asia. The view of the mountains is very beautiful and picturesque. There is a version that these mountains appeared more than six hundred million years ago. Ural means "stone belt". The mountains are surrounded by numerous parks and lakes. There you can visit the Ilmen State Reserve and get acquainted with a variety of minerals, flora and fauna of the Urals. Mountain streams flow through the valleys. You should visit the Urals and admire its mountains and lakes!
Одним из наиболее посещаемых мест в России является Урал и Уральские горы. Уральские горы протянулись на две тысячи километров. Горы находятся на границе между Европой и Азией. Вид на горы очень красивый и живописный. Есть версия, что эти горы появились более шести сотен миллионов лет назад. Урал означает "каменный пояс". Горы окружены многочисленными парками и озёрами. Там вы можете посетить Ильменский государственный заповедник и познакомиться с разнообразными минералами, с флорой и фауной Урала. По долинам протекают горные речушки. Вам стоит посетить Урал и полюбоваться горами и озёрами!
1. She went to the theatre at 6 p.m.
(At 6 p.m. she went to the theatre.)
2. I saw Sam and Sarah at school today.
Предложение "Sam and Sarah saw I at school today" грамматически некорректное.
3. Kim and I are playing tennis at the sports centre tomorrow.
Время может быть указано в начале предложения, но в конце лучше.