Запиши предложения в косвенной речи.
1. He wanted to know where they were going.
2. He wanted to know what they would do after dinner.
3. He wanted to know if Mary was living in the hotel.
4. He wanted to know if they could give hin their address.
5. He wanted to know if granny cooked had a cake or pies.
6. He wanted to know why the children had not come there the previous day.
7. He wanted to know what the weather had been like the previous weekend.
8. He wanted to know if their friend lived in London.
9. He wanted to know if they had been to the gallery or museum.
10. He wanted to know how long she had been working there.
11. He wanted to know if they had been practicing at that time the day before.
12. He wanted to know who the author of his book was.
13. He wanted to know if the ship or the boat was giving signals.
14. He wanted to know if the sailors could see the lights there.
15. He wanted to know if they liked apples.
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