Моего друга зовут Данил. Он учится в пятом классе. Мы с ним очень хорошие друзья. У него есть мама её зовут Ирина Игоревна, а его папу зовут Егор Андреевич. Они ко мне очень хорошо относятся и всегда ждут в гости! Ещё у Данила есть сестра её зовут Рита ей 3 года. Мы с Данилом любим играть с его собакой. Его собака не большого роста породы такса. По кличке Чарли - это очень игривый и умный пёс. Данил очень хороший друг и товарищ. My friend's name is Daniel. He is studying in fifth grade. We're very good friends. He has a mom her name is Irina Igorevna, and his dad's name is Egor Andreevich. To me they are very good and always waiting to visit! Yet Daniel has a sister her name is Rita her 3 years. We Danil love to play with his dog. His dog is not tall breed Dachshund. Named Charlie is very playful and smart dog. Daniel a very good friend and comrade.
1. I read books three time per weeks. Because reading is cognitive and informative. 2.Yes. Because when I read I feel everything that feels character. I worry about them, happy with them. This is amazing. 2. Less. I think it enough for me. 4. I prefer books about fantasy and adventure. I think it more interesting then real world, where don't exist monster, fairies... 5. Reading books. How I said previously, it very iteresting. And when you watch TV your vision is deteriorating. But when you read a book, you begin to absorb the knowledge gained or to use quotes from the book 5.